Restaurant Financial Planning

Consultancy firm needs a tool to easily plan restaurant opening from a financial perspective.

The consutancy offers planning, design, conceptualisation and operating services to investors in the restaurant business. It is well known for it's turn key offer which provides restaurant investors with professional and successful products for maximum return on investment.

    glass on table at restaurant financial planning

Restaurant Financial Planning


As part as their turn key services, the consultancy provides a 5 year financial plan. Compiling an accurate planning for the first 2 years presents a number of challenges providing uncertain opening dates, seasonality, market conditions, labour, licensing...


iExcel studied the business model, listened to the various actors in play in the planning process, and together with the team, designed a dynamic tool that compiled variables and produced a set of financial planning according to pre-set hypothesis.


The consultancy is now able to provide in very little time a financial planning that can be further tweaked by themselves and their investors in order to understand the risks and opportunities involved in their projects.