Unlocking Business Potential: The Imperative of AI Training Across All Levels

In the contemporary business landscape, the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become a pivotal driver of growth, innovation, and efficiency. As AI technologies continue to evolve rapidly, they offer unprecedented opportunities for organizations to optimize processes, enhance decision-making, and create value. However, realizing the full potential of AI hinges not only on deploying sophisticated algorithms and advanced technologies but also on cultivating a workforce that is adept at harnessing the power of AI. In this regard, the importance of AI training across all levels of an organization cannot be overstated.

AI training encompasses a broad spectrum of learning initiatives aimed at equipping individuals with the knowledge, skills, and capabilities required to leverage AI effectively in their respective roles. From C-suite executives to frontline employees, everyone within an organization stands to benefit from a comprehensive understanding of AI principles, methodologies, and applications. By fostering a culture of continuous learning and development in AI, businesses can foster innovation, drive competitiveness, and future-proof their operations in an increasingly digitalized world.

At the executive level, AI training plays a pivotal role in shaping strategic vision and guiding decision-making processes. Leaders who possess a deep understanding of AI concepts and trends are better equipped to identify opportunities for AI adoption, assess risks, and formulate informed strategies that leverage AI to drive business growth. Moreover, AI-literate executives can effectively communicate the value proposition of AI initiatives to stakeholders, garnering support and investment for AI-driven projects.

Moving beyond the boardroom, AI training extends to middle management and functional teams, where it serves as a catalyst for operational excellence and performance optimization. By empowering managers and employees with AI skills, organizations can streamline workflows, automate routine tasks, and uncover actionable insights from vast volumes of data. Whether it's optimizing supply chain logistics, personalizing customer experiences, or enhancing product quality through predictive maintenance, AI-enabled solutions have the potential to revolutionize business processes across diverse domains.

Moreover, AI training fosters a culture of innovation and experimentation within organizations, where employees are encouraged to explore novel applications of AI to solve complex problems and drive business outcomes. By providing employees with access to AI training resources and opportunities for hands-on experimentation, businesses can unleash the creative potential of their workforce, leading to the development of innovative products, services, and business models.

Furthermore, AI training plays a crucial role in bridging the skill gap and fostering inclusivity in the workforce. As AI becomes increasingly integrated into various facets of business operations, there is a growing demand for individuals with AI expertise across different job functions and industries. By investing in AI training programs that cater to diverse skill levels and backgrounds, organizations can equip their employees with the skills needed to thrive in an AI-driven economy, thereby promoting upward mobility and diversity in the workforce.

In addition to enhancing individual competencies, AI training also facilitates collaboration and cross-functional teamwork within organizations. By bringing together individuals from different disciplines and departments to learn about AI, organizations can foster interdisciplinary collaboration and knowledge sharing, leading to the co-creation of innovative solutions that transcend traditional silos. Whether it's data scientists collaborating with domain experts to develop predictive models or marketing teams leveraging AI insights to personalize campaigns, cross-functional collaboration fueled by AI training can drive synergy and unlock new possibilities for value creation.

Moreover, AI training empowers employees to become proactive agents of change within their organizations, driving bottom-up innovation and driving continuous improvement initiatives. By equipping employees with the skills and confidence to identify inefficiencies, spot opportunities for AI integration, and propose data-driven solutions, organizations can tap into the collective intelligence of their workforce to drive incremental improvements and foster a culture of continuous innovation.

Furthermore, AI training fosters resilience and adaptability in the face of rapid technological change and disruption. As AI continues to evolve and disrupt traditional business models, organizations must adapt quickly to stay ahead of the curve. By investing in AI training programs that emphasize agility, adaptability, and lifelong learning, businesses can equip their employees with the skills and mindset needed to navigate uncertainty, embrace change, and thrive in an ever-evolving business environment.

In conclusion, the importance of AI training across all levels of an organization cannot be overstated in today's business environment. From empowering executives to make strategic decisions, to enabling frontline employees to drive operational excellence and innovation, AI training plays a pivotal role in unlocking the full potential of AI and driving business success. By investing in AI training programs that cater to diverse skill levels, foster collaboration, and promote a culture of continuous learning, organizations can position themselves for sustained growth and competitiveness in the digital age.

The Transformative Power of UI/UX: A Deep Dive into How User Interface and Experience Impact Users and Organizations

In the ever-evolving digital landscape, User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX) have emerged as critical components in shaping the success of websites, applications, and digital platforms. UI refers to the visual elements and design that users interact with, while UX encompasses the overall experience and usability. This article delves into the profound influence of UI/UX on both individual users and the organizations they are a part of.

The User-Centric Paradigm

UI/UX design is not merely about aesthetics; it is centered around the user. A well-crafted UI engages users immediately, providing an intuitive and visually appealing interface. This initial attraction sets the stage for a positive UX, ensuring seamless navigation and interaction. A user-centric design instills confidence and trust, which fosters a deeper connection between users and the digital product.

User Satisfaction and Loyalty

A positive UI/UX elevates user satisfaction to new heights. When users find an interface easy to navigate and enjoyable to use, they are more likely to stay engaged and return for future interactions. Satisfied users become loyal customers, leading to increased retention rates and fostering a positive brand perception. The result is a significant boost to the organization's credibility and potential for sustained growth.

Enhanced Accessibility and Inclusivity

Thoughtful UI/UX design incorporates accessibility features that accommodate users with disabilities. By ensuring that all users can effortlessly interact with digital products, organizations tap into an underserved market segment and demonstrate their commitment to inclusivity. This inclusivity not only broadens the user base but also aligns with ethical and legal standards, showcasing the organization's social responsibility.

Impact on User Productivity

Streamlined UI/UX design optimizes user workflow, reducing the time and effort required to complete tasks. Intuitive interfaces minimize the learning curve, empowering users to accomplish their goals more efficiently. Improved productivity translates to time and cost savings for both users and organizations, making UI/UX a catalyst for increased operational efficiency.

Reduced User Frustration

Complex or poorly designed UI/UX often leads to user frustration, resulting in abandoned interactions and lost opportunities. Conversely, an intuitive design eliminates roadblocks and friction points, minimizing user frustration. By addressing pain points and anticipating user needs, organizations create a harmonious digital environment that encourages prolonged engagement and positive outcomes.

Impact on Brand Perception

UI/UX directly influences how users perceive a brand. A sleek and user-friendly interface reflects a modern and innovative organization, while a clunky design can create doubts about the company's professionalism. Consistency in UI/UX across different touchpoints reinforces brand identity, fostering a cohesive and memorable user experience. Positive interactions lead to positive associations, ultimately shaping brand loyalty and advocacy.

Conversion Rate Optimization

UI/UX plays a pivotal role in driving conversions. Whether it's making a purchase, signing up for a newsletter, or completing a form, a seamless and frictionless user experience can significantly impact conversion rates. Well-designed interfaces guide users through the conversion funnel, simplifying the decision-making process and boosting the likelihood of desired actions. Organizations that prioritize UI/UX see tangible improvements in their bottom line.

Data-Driven Decision Making

UI/UX design involves extensive research and analysis of user behavior and preferences. By gathering and interpreting data, organizations gain valuable insights into user interactions and pain points. These insights inform iterative design improvements, ensuring that the digital product evolves to meet user needs effectively. Data-driven UI/UX design empowers organizations to make informed decisions and refine their strategies based on real-world user feedback.

Competitive Advantage

In a crowded digital landscape, a superior UI/UX sets organizations apart from the competition. As users increasingly prioritize seamless experiences, a well-designed interface becomes a unique selling point. Organizations that invest in UI/UX gain a competitive edge by differentiating themselves through enhanced usability, engagement, and satisfaction. This advantage can lead to increased market share and sustained growth.

Organizational Efficiency and Cost Savings

Effective UI/UX design extends beyond the user interface; it also impacts internal processes and efficiency. Streamlined interfaces and intuitive tools enhance employee productivity, reducing training time and error rates. Additionally, UI/UX-driven improvements can lead to cost savings by minimizing customer support requests, reducing the need for extensive documentation, and optimizing user self-service options.

Collaboration and Alignment

UI/UX design encourages collaboration and alignment within organizations. Cross-functional teams, including designers, developers, marketers, and product managers, work together to create a cohesive user experience. This collaborative approach fosters a shared understanding of user needs and organizational goals, resulting in more effective communication and smoother project execution.

Challenges and Considerations

While the benefits of UI/UX are undeniable, there are challenges to overcome. Organizations must balance aesthetic appeal with functional efficiency, ensuring that design choices align with user preferences. Keeping pace with evolving technologies and user behaviors requires continuous adaptation and updates. Moreover, achieving a seamless UI/UX may involve investment in research, testing, and talent.


Overall, user Interface and User Experience wield a profound impact on both individual users and the organizations they belong to. A user-centric approach to UI/UX design leads to enhanced user satisfaction, loyalty, and productivity. Positive experiences foster a strong brand perception and drive conversion rates, ultimately contributing to an organization's competitive advantage and growth. By prioritizing UI/UX, organizations create a digital ecosystem that not only resonates with users but also empowers internal teams, resulting in a harmonious synergy between user needs and organizational goals.

The AI Revolution: Industries on the Brink of Disruption

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning have emerged as game-changers in the modern world, revolutionizing various industries. As these technologies continue to advance at an unprecedented pace, it is crucial to examine the sectors that are most likely to face disruption. In this opinion article, we will explore the industries that stand on the precipice of transformation, driven by the power of AI and machine learning.

Healthcare: Saving Lives with Precision

The healthcare industry is poised to undergo a significant transformation with the integration of AI and machine learning. These technologies have the potential to revolutionize diagnostics, drug discovery, and personalized medicine. AI-powered algorithms can analyze vast amounts of patient data, enabling early detection of diseases and suggesting tailored treatment plans. With AI's ability to process complex medical images and identify patterns, radiology and pathology are set to witness a paradigm shift.

Transportation: Autonomous Vehicles Take the Wheel

The transportation industry is on the cusp of a revolution, thanks to AI and machine learning. Autonomous vehicles are set to disrupt traditional modes of transportation, promising safer and more efficient journeys. AI algorithms can analyze real-time traffic data, optimize routes, and enhance fuel efficiency. With self-driving cars becoming a reality, ride-sharing services and logistics companies are likely to experience a seismic shift in their operations.

Finance: Smart Investing and Fraud Detection

AI and machine learning are reshaping the finance industry, empowering investors and enhancing security. With the ability to analyze vast amounts of financial data, AI algorithms can identify patterns and make informed investment decisions. Robo-advisors are gaining popularity, providing personalized investment advice at a fraction of the cost. Additionally, AI-powered fraud detection systems can identify suspicious transactions in real-time, bolstering security measures.

Retail: Personalized Shopping Experiences

The retail industry is no stranger to disruption, and AI is set to take it to new heights. Machine learning algorithms can analyze customer behavior, preferences, and purchase history to offer personalized recommendations. Virtual assistants powered by AI can provide real-time customer support, enhancing the overall shopping experience. Furthermore, AI-powered inventory management systems can optimize supply chains, reducing costs and minimizing wastage.

Manufacturing: Smart Factories for Efficient Production

AI and machine learning are transforming the manufacturing industry by enabling the creation of smart factories. These factories leverage AI algorithms to optimize production processes, predict maintenance needs, and reduce downtime. With the integration of robotics and AI, manufacturing can become more efficient, cost-effective, and adaptable to changing demands.


The disruptive potential of AI and machine learning is undeniable, and several industries are poised to undergo significant transformations. Healthcare, transportation, finance, retail, and manufacturing are just a few examples of sectors that will experience the power of AI-driven disruption. As these technologies continue to evolve, it is crucial for businesses and professionals to embrace the opportunities they present. By harnessing the potential of AI and machine learning, industries can unlock new levels of efficiency, innovation, and growth. The future is here, and it is time to adapt or risk being left behind in the wake of the AI revolution.

The Top 5 Priorities in Business Digital Transformation Today

In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, digital transformation has become a necessity rather than a choice. To stay competitive and relevant, organizations must embrace digital technologies and adapt their operations accordingly. However, with numerous possibilities and challenges, it's crucial to identify the top priorities for a successful digital transformation journey. In this article, we will explore the five key areas that businesses should focus on to drive effective digital transformation.

1. Customer-Centric Approach:
Putting the customer at the center of digital transformation is paramount. Understanding customer needs, preferences, and behaviors is crucial for developing personalized experiences. By leveraging data analytics and customer insights, businesses can enhance customer engagement, improve satisfaction, and drive loyalty. Investing in customer relationship management (CRM) systems and implementing customer-centric strategies will enable organizations to deliver exceptional experiences across all touchpoints.

2. Agile and Flexible Infrastructure:
To support digital transformation initiatives, businesses need a robust and agile IT infrastructure. Cloud computing, virtualization, and software-defined networking are essential components that enable scalability, flexibility, and cost-efficiency. Adopting these technologies allows organizations to quickly adapt to changing market demands, scale operations, and leverage emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT).

3. Data-Driven Decision Making:
Data is the lifeblood of digital transformation. Organizations must harness the power of data to make informed decisions and drive business growth. Implementing advanced analytics tools and establishing a data-driven culture enables businesses to gain valuable insights, identify trends, and predict customer behavior. By leveraging data analytics, organizations can optimize operations, improve efficiency, and identify new revenue streams.

4. Talent and Skills Development:
Digital transformation requires a skilled workforce capable of leveraging new technologies and driving innovation. Investing in talent development programs, upskilling, and reskilling initiatives is crucial. Organizations should foster a culture of continuous learning and provide employees with the necessary resources to adapt to digital changes. Collaboration with educational institutions and partnerships with technology providers can also help bridge the skills gap.

5. Security and Privacy:
As businesses embrace digital technologies, ensuring the security and privacy of customer data becomes paramount. Cybersecurity threats are on the rise, and organizations must implement robust security measures to protect sensitive information. Adopting encryption, multi-factor authentication, and regular security audits are essential. Compliance with data protection regulations, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), is also crucial to maintain customer trust and avoid legal repercussions.

Digital transformation is a complex and ongoing process that requires careful planning and execution. By prioritizing a customer-centric approach, agile infrastructure, data-driven decision making, talent development, and security, businesses can navigate the digital landscape successfully. Embracing these priorities will enable organizations to stay ahead of the competition, drive innovation, and deliver exceptional experiences to their customers. Remember, digital transformation is not a one-time project but a continuous journey towards a digitally empowered future.

Custom Software vs Commercial Software

iExcel Custom Software Programmer working in a software developing company office



As a growing number of daily tasks and complex enterprise processes require automation, organizations are confronted with the sometimes daunting task of finding the right digital solution within a wide variety of digital transformation options available on the market.

In order to understand how Custom Software and Commercial Software differ, we first ought to provide a definition for each of them:

A Commercial Software is a piece of software that was designed and developed for the purpose of sale through licensing to an end-user or for commercial purpose.

A Custom Software is a piece of software that is especially developed for an organization according to their specific requirements.

Now that we have defined Custom and Commercial Software, we can look at a number of examples. Microsoft Office and Google Apps are good examples of Commercial Software. Indeed, many users buy those commercially available software products off the shelve in order to produce documents, spreadsheets and presentations.

A customer relations management system that fits the needs of a successful commercial activity or an online medical patient interface that supports the activity of a clinic are examples of custom software development.

A software can be evaluated according to 5 key dimensions:


  • Efficiency
  • Cost
  • Time
  • Maintenance
  • Security

We are going to develop each of them:



The efficiency of a software is measured in the amount of support for the operation, and increase in productivity it will generate.

Commercial software are built as a finished product to be sold in large quantity to a target market. The companies behind those software use heavy marketing to promote their brands and to get the software known. As they become widely accepted by the industry, they tend to follow standards. It is also likely that current and future staff are already familiar with the software. This provides an advantage in terms of user software acceptance, and ability to work with the software. In addition, as many people use the same software the software name is familiar to many, which gives a feeling of reassurance when buying it. Also, the many user base plays in favour of debugging as more bugs are being detected and corrected. On the other hand, commercial software can be heavy to run due to the complexity of their features. They tend to get over-complicated as they cater to a wide range of users within an industry with various business models or across industries, and there is a concern to be sure all items of all businesses ever using the software are included. At the same time, they can become very limitative since they are designed as a finished product rather than an on-going process. As a result, it is many times the business model that needs to adapt to the software rather than the software that is designed to support an existing and successful business activity.

Successful business models usually are unique in a number of ways. A commercial software will not be adaptable or even exist for it. Custom software are designed together with the end-user, after a thorough analysis of the needs. This offers two advantages. First the software is tailor-made for the need of the business, without the unused features present in commercial software; which results in a lean, and easily approachable interface. Second, the research and analysis steps are a good introspection opportunity for the teams. It allows them to discuss, review and potentially improve some of their business processes at the time the software company is creating new structures to support them. Custom software allow for increased efficiency and to achieve business goals faster as it is adapted to a specific business without limitations, and it is highly scalable. Custom software provide an organization with the set of tools it needs.

While standardization is crucial when selling a car or a handbag where the product needs to be identical in its essence every time, when it comes to support a business with many unique features, innovations and a fast growing pace, customization of the supporting tools is vital. It is nevertheless important to note that a custom software should be developed by a reputable company with track record, that have a high degree of listening and understanding of business processes. A software company that has the ability to transform business needs and ideas into workable, efficient and user-friendly software products.



Commercial software tend to have lower upfront costs. Since the cost of development is spread amongst a large number of users, it makes more sense for those software companies to offer an attractive entry price. That said, an organization should be aware of how the many upgrades, service fees, yearly maintenance fees, and installation fees add up in the long run. Cost of customization, when possible, also comes at a higher price tag.

Commercial software often provide free trials, which is a good way for the user to evaluate the software. That said, this process will make the user go through the implementation and data migration process. This can often create a bias when choosing the right software in the way that it creates an early switching cost. Indeed, as users have accomplished a considerable amount of work with the trial version, and the data has already been transferred there, settling for the current software often appears as an easier option than restarting the process all over again.

As a finished product a commercial software will partly work for your company as it is now within the size and parameters of a given time. As businesses grow and change, so do their support and automation needs. As commercial software do not really adjust, the business must adjust to the software. As a result, slowing productivity, and missing functionalities can become quite costly. More often than not organizations purchase a piece of commercial software only to discover that it does not work for them.

Custom software carry higher upfront costs, which can sometimes deter organizations from taking a  step into that direction. When going for the custom software option an organization must see it as an investment into efficiency, higher productivity and reduced costs in the long run. There is no doubt the higher upfront costs alleviate over time, making the custom software option the less costly of both options. As custom software are built using well-known technologies, first there is not a risk of getting stuck because a development company ceased its activity or decided to discontinue a product; a custom software can always be upgraded and amended. Second, the end-user is free to carry the software product to another developer. Those two reasons alone ensure that there are very little to no switching costs but also a wider range of choices for affordable, enhancement development, support and maintenance.



Commercial software are more or less ready to use when bought as they are designed as a finished product. For an organization that cannot afford to wait, this present a clear advantage, even if time gained at the beginning can turn out to become very time consuming in the long run as the needs of an organization evolves and the commercial software is unable to cope with the new business requirements.

While it takes time to build a custom software, the resulting software product is often leaner and adapted to the organization’s needs. The research, design and conceptualization undertaken by the software development company together with the organization is an exercise that usually provokes a good introspection on all the processes and structure of the company. It offers the opportunity to re-examine, and enhance the way things are done, which in turns makes the organization more productive and profitable. The time it takes can also be seen as an advantage as the organization will be able to see the project as it is being built, which means that the collaboration between the developer and the organization lead to a better scoping, scheduling and development of the software, which can then be tested and tweaked as per the organization’s needs.



Commercial software sold by serious companies often come with serious and steady support. While customization is sometimes possible it usually comes at a very high price. Sometimes the programming language is bespoke or only know by few developers, which makes maintenance difficult and costly. Bespoke technologies also present a considerable issue when it comes to integration. An organization will be required to use a range of software to conduct their operations. With commercial software, it is unlikely that those various software products integrate and talk with each other. For example an organization’s eCommerce site might not work with the features available in the commercial software.

Good software company will use repositories, documentation, widely used frameworks and technologies. This will ensure that the software is maintainable by the developing company but also by any other or the organization’s internal IT team if required. New platforms, software, modules can be developed, enhanced and integrated with the existing software.



Commercial software are delivered with security features that are standard at the time they are sold. There is very little evolution in commercial software. They are designed as finished products, and might have been around for a while. They sell as long as they have not expired their commercial life cycle. As a result many are built relying on older technologies that are more prone to attacks. Their popularity also presents a security disadvantage. Indeed as many companies use the same software, it is easy for a competitor to understand an organization’s processes and limitations based on the knowledge of the commercial software in use. It also makes the organization more vulnerable to cyber-attacks, as hackers would know the structure and security features of that commercial software, and where to find what they are looking for. As it is used by many companies, hackers do not need to learn a new software, which makes a commercial software a prime target.

Last but not least, organizations using commercial software are dependent on the software provider. The organization is directly affected by changing terms and conditions, new pricing, and state of their business. If the software provider decides to discontinue the product, the organization is left with no choice but to change to a new software.

Custom software use latest technologies. Customization also means that an organization can set up access rights as they like, which offer better control over the organization’s data security. Due to the uniqueness of a custom software, it is difficult for cybercriminals to attack a custom software, it has specific security features that protects the data. As there is no comparable software in the market, cybercriminals have no means to study those security features.

Overall, organizations need to evaluate their options according to their needs and goals based on the dimensions explained above, and make an informed choice. Commercial software can be the recommended option for a certain type of tasks, when time or money does not allow for another option. Some organizations may even learn a business from using and following the structure of a standard software. However, if an organization’s business model is well defined there are many reasons including efficiency, security, longevity, cost and adaptability that strongly suggest that a custom software will ensure better return for longer.

Smart Data Treatment Leads to Better Decision Making

  • accurate data lead to closing deal and shake hands
  • accurate data allows tyco to provide custom service

Tyco Water Asia, part of US Fortune 500 company Tyco International, and a leading supplier of systems for the water industry, faced a challenge. As it considered whether to invest in a large scale, multi-million dollar development project, it needed to understand whether the project would meet its customers’ future needs.

However, says Ian Jacob, Tyco’s Managing Director, collecting the data necessary to make a decision was not straightforward. “We simply couldn’t get the detailed data we needed – it’s just not available,” he says. “We could have commissioned a company to go and get it, but that probably wasn’t the best solution for us because it needed to be very targeted.”

“I didn’t really understand that you could actually do what they did in Excel. I didn’t know it was possible.”

Ian Jacob, Managing Director, Tyco Water Asia

So, he says, the Tyco team decided to develop its own survey. By carrying out the survey in-house, and having his team collect data from customers directly, Jacob believed that Tyco would benefit from a more targeted approach.

But even then, he knew the survey’s design would be critical to its success. “I was concerned about the outcome, because we could have had a whole lot of sales people out collecting data, and if they didn’t get the content right, the answers would be meaningless,” he says. To avoid this, realized Jacob, “it was really important to have a standardized questionnaire.”

As he considered the best approach, Jacob had a conversation with Jeremy Artan, Managing Director of iExcel Consulting, about Tyco’s plans. Until then, he says, he did not know about the functionality a tailored Excel solution could provide. “I knew Jeremy and I knew he had some skills in that area,” remembers Jacob. “But until he started to explain to me what they could do, I didn’t really understand that you couldactually do what they did in Excel. I didn’t know it was possible.”

Artan agrees that Excel’s capabilities are more impressive than most businesses realize. “Excel has developed into a robust application, capable of handling several users and external data sources,” he says. “Yet it is still fully flexible. Too often, companies are stuck with big off-the-shelf software that only partly works for them. Excel software has no limits and continues to evolve as a company grows.”

The Tyco team had started work on a standard series of questions for its sales team to work through with customers. But there were still risks: the data gathering exercise might lack the professional image provided by an outside company; the data could suffer from bias if collected by customer-facing sales teams; the project would use up valuable time and resources; and the final data would have limited reporting features.

Most importantly, says Jacob, if the data was not accurate enough, Tyco risked making the wrong investment decision. So, impressed with Artan’s approach, Jacob appointed iExcel to develop a tailored Excel-based questionnaire. Tyco provided iExcel with its list of survey questions, and asked it to design an efficient Excel-based platform to help move customers quickly through the survey.

Tyco specified that the questionnaire should look professional and be easy to navigate; questions should be mandatory and appear automatically based on previous answers; and all the data should be collected in a single database to provide flexibility when assessing the results.

Even then, says Jacob, used to working with regional suppliers who often had to revisit projects several times before their solutions met Tyco’s needs, “I didn’t know what sort of outcome we would get from iExcel.”

But he found the process pleasantly straightforward. “I gave them an indication of what we were looking for; we gave them the data; and then they came back with the solution and it was already 99% done,” he says. “They delivered us that solution very quickly, and there was virtually no tweaking in it. We changed some questions, but other than that it was great.”

“The solution was outstanding. The dashboard that we got – we’ll be using that for the next three or four years on this project.”

Not only did the platform iExcel designed do exactly what it was meant to, says Jacob, but it will continue to be useful for Tyco beyond the survey for which it was built. “The solution was outstanding,” he says. “The dashboard that we got – we’ll be using that for the next three or four years on this project.”

iExcel’s dashboard has been particularly effective, he believes, because of the depth of data it can provide. “It allows us to keep going back and looking in a very efficient way at what the data was and how it applied,” he says. “Their solution allows us to drill down into the data and see specifically who it came from. We can analyze it by region; by customer; by customer type – all of those things. So, it’s a very, very efficient way of analyzing a lot of data.”

Another advantage of working with iExcel, believes Jacob, was the commercial approach the team brought to the project. “The main benefit was their ability to understand what we wanted and then deliver it,” he says. “They have a pretty good commercial sense of what needs to be done, and an ability to grasp our requirements. I just think we got an output that we could not have got from another local company.”

iExcel’s Artan is proud of his team’s commercial attitude. “Most of our employees have grown their skills through roles as analysts or strategists,” he says. “This provides them with a business understanding and business approach that most IT people lack. As a result, our solutions not only work, but they fully integrate within our client’s business.”

The dashboard that iExcel produced for Tyco, reflects Jacob, “did exactly what we wanted.” And, impressed by the project, he expects Tyco to work with iExcel again in the near future. “We’ve shown it to other people within the business,” he says, “and some of them want to do similar things. Like me, they also didn’t understand that you could actually do this in Excel.”[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]